Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat.

There is no implication in the following post related to the title. Except for maybe we have found THE friendliest neighborhood to live in. My house has been bombarded with food and goodies. They don't last long with 5 boys around (and a sweet toothed mom and dad) though. But I do have to say, none of the things we've received have looked atrocious, and everything has tasted lovely!
The Joyner household continues.....constantly. Everything has been so busy lately. I had good intentions on making some great pillows as gifts to some of our neighbors who have been so sweet in our transition down here. As it sits, 4 pillows were finished, (two of which went to my sisters-in-law, I hope you like them!), and at this late unprepared moment, I am seriously contemplating the cheesy poem about "my version of homemade fudge" along with a candy bar. In fact, I know that is what it is going to be. SORRY NEIGHBORS!! (and I'm sitting here updating my blog?!?)
The boys are just crazily excited about all of our snow, and Christmas coming. Each day begins with "Is it Christmas yet?" Even the twins are thoroughly enjoying the tree and unwrapping presents. I am currently using the famous quote from my madre, "Santa doesn't come to a dirty house". My brother has backed me up on it too. So far, its working...
Chris and the boys built an awesome snow fort in our front yard, actually it looks like an igloo. Dyllan was pretty hyped up about sleeping in it. When I told him there was no way he was sleeping out there all he said was "buuuuttt mmmooooommm, dad slept in a snow cave before." Ya ya ya. Stupid scouts.
Well, I do have lots to do today, and with my short "nap" last night I know my energy will be dwindling quickly. Everyone is doing well, despite the splotchy stomach bug that made the rounds, and everyone is as happy and cute as ever. We wish all a Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Bon Noel, and a Happy New Year! Be safe, with love, The JOYNERS!