Saturday, August 21, 2010

Summertime Coming to Close...

This morning when I woke up it felt like fall. I almost went back into the house to grab a jacket on my way to work! I don't know that I am ready for fall to be here. It seems like Summer just arrived, and though I have had a few complaints of the heat, I am not ready for it to end... I really had a hard time this last winter and I am not ready to face the glum of cold, wet, dark and dismal days ahead!

Next Tuesday the kids start school again, with the exception of Parkyr. He is the one who needs to start school the most! His kindergarten will not start until the following week. Dyllan will be in 5th grade, Tansyn in 2nd. I cannot believe they are as old as they are. It seems like yesterday that I was holding each of them in my arms laughing and playing with them. Watching the funny things they would do, watching the funny things their dad would do with them...GIVE ME YOUR HEART!

We have now lived in our house in Springville for a year. It has been a great place to be in many ways, and a not so great place as well. I am ready to be in my own house, with my own rules. Ready to be able to paint things which need to be painted, fix things which need fixing, and to have all my junk readily available and organized. It has been really hard being in this small house with my 5 boys. We have purged an enormous amount of things since moving here. Most to the DI. Don't get me wrong, I am not a packrat! There just has been no room for things.

It is a hard time right now for us. Chris's school seems never-ending. Work is good, but my hours are getting cut...I was working 4-5 12 hour days/week. My boss hired some people to pick up the slack, so now I am back to 3 days/week. Does this mean I go back to Delta to work at the nursing home? I really love the people there, I am grateful for the friends I have there, but I do not miss working extra to work there.

Things to look forward to: (no particular order except #1)
The Holidays
Another Birthday ?
Mom's, Tansyn's, Chris's Birthdays
Fall leaves
Another month closer to Chris being done with school...
Helen being off her maternity leave
A good babysitter for the kids

Things not looking forward to:
Paying Rent
Paying for the broken heater in Chris' car
Paying to fix the fridge again
Paying other bills...


Unknown said...

Great to have you blogging again sis! I too think Wes is number 1 on my list of things to look forward to. And I think there is a part of Christmas to look forward too. HIM! Even if he will be a few days late.

Willy The Prince said...

always happy to see an update, but commmmeeee on I need to see some pictures of those nephews. Guess I'll just keep stalking Jo's blog.

I know the coming year will bring you everything you want :) enjoy every day with your family, they are precious.

Miss you


Glad to see an update Mandy! I know things will workout soon.. Once Chris is done with school it will be smooth sailing :)